Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sights and Smells of Hyderabad!

I always wanted to take a break and escape somewhere the minute my college was over. Yes, Bangalore was my first option. But why go to the place where you’ve been to a thousand odd times? So my second option was Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. A visit to these places was a long, unachievable dream of mine. Well, most of them would say, what is so great about these places, But still, I wanted to visit the capital, the beautiful Taj Mahal and the pink city, no matter what.

I kept hounding my dad, but yes, it is raining cats and dogs there right now. My dad questions me, “What shopping will you do when it’s raining there? You can’t even step out.” Hmmm, true it is. Plan B also flops. When I decided to go ahead with Plan A, my dear friend Haritha visits Chennai (from Hyderabad) to collect some documents from college. As casual our talk can get, we decided that I should to go with her to Hyderabad (She was leaving in two days).

To my surprise, when Haritha asked dad, my parents readily agreed (I still find it strange though!). Finally, I was all set to get my share of well-deserved break that I was longing for. The tickets are all booked, and I am all set to leave.

I must say our train journey was fun. While Haritha got an AC Sleeper, I got the normal one. But she wasn’t convinced that I travel alone. (Oh! I love people pampering me ;)). Later, she exchanged with a person in my coach. We had a whole lot of fun and to travel with pals is much more than fun!

We reached the next day morning and find Kaushik (Hari’s Hubby) greeting us warmly! Well, I see a new city. I did visit Hyderabad about six-year’s back, during my school trip. But now, I see a whole new place. Big buildings, malls everywhere, cheesy film posters (Like really!), banners promoting Hyderabad Biriyani, bunches of Burkha Ladies, hot men and hindi all the way.

The first-day was visit to Hi-Tech city and a near-by place - Shilparam. It is a cultural-center, something similar to our Dakshinachitra. The place was constructed in a very arty manner. You enter the places to find several stalls where craftsmen display a bunch of artifacts and other products. It reminded me of Dastkari exhibition that happens at Kalashetra. I found some arty earrings, bags and bought quite a few products. You can see lovely ladies near the park wanting to decorate your palm with henna at a minimal price of Rs20. Will we miss it? No way! On the later part of the day, we went to few malls and Keshav Reddy Chat at Jubilee Hills. Wah! What pani-puris you get! One of the best that I've had!

It was a long day and we hit the bed as soon as we reached. However, I reminded Kaushik & Haritha of treating myself a nice Hyderabad Chicken Biriyani. (Hyderabad minus the biriyani? Nah!) The next day we decided to go to Charminar. I was waiting to see the charming old Hyderabad or rather the Nizam place. Most building had a mosque-look to it. We first hit Hotel Taj Mahal for lunch. Apparently, it is one of the best restaurants in the city. After having a sumptuous platter, we drove to Choodi Bazaar. As I walk in, I discover that the place is a heaven-on-earth for bangles. It was around three-o'-clock-ish, and the bangles were shimmering against the sunlight. I wanted to buy dozens of them, but I was bewildered after seeing the line-up of numerous shops.

Haritha and I would decide on one set, but will find something better in another shop. We literally scouted the place and I finally bought around 8 dozens of bangles! Oh, thank the Lord, I am a girl! :-)

Then I went hunting for surma, and to my surprise every other shop has the Arabic kohl! Talk about the city, the next thing that comes to mind is Kohlapuri chappals. Being a chappal-o-holic myself, will I miss it? ;) Bargained with my broken Hindi and I got two-pairs of them.

Then we drove to Husain Sagar Lake. Haritha was complaining about the lovely odor it produces, but I wasn’t convinced. We went to eat street, hogged and took a boat to see the Buddha statue. It did stink, but never mind. The place didn’t have anything much except for the tall, erected Buddha. We drove back home and had delectable Hyderabad Chicken Biriyani from Hotel Paradise (Another famous restaurant).

Next day, we drove Ramoji Film city. Though I've been there before, some sets were relatively new. The most exciting thing about this place is the bus-tour that they arrange for the visitors. The presenter was at his creative best and we enjoyed a lot.

The last day was more or less a rest day. I can’t end this post without mentioning the help, love and care Haritha & Kaushik provided. I almost felt like I was staying at my sister’s place. They made me so comfortable. A million thanks and hugs to them for making my visit a memorable one. Mwah to you guys!

Happily signing off,

Shara :-)


Varsha said...

I loved ramoji... I spent the whole day there and if given a chance would go there again :) next time see golconda also...worth a visit :)

Sharanya Rajendran said...

Me too...loved ramoji de! Btw, I've been to Golconda before.. Didn't wanna climb this time... ;)

C Rajendran said...

Hyderabad is a blend of historic places and Hi tech offices and malls Ah! I am yet to visit the place with my wife.I am happy at least my children have seen the place.Must visit soon!

s()ms!e said...

:D reminds me of our class 12 excursion! Golconda esplly reminds me of someone whom we took a sneak pic of! ;-) hehe! remember the hotel we stayed at - vilangamaana edam! :D !oK now coming to the post...I loved the description..Makes people want to be there! I do wish you get time to see No.2's on ur list - Delhi, Jaipur, Agra...!ncredible !ndia! :D ! Hyderabadi chicken biryani is something I havnt yet had in Hyd!:P Good you dint miss out on that! :D ! Bangles and surma - Just like you! I think this post was more like an insight into all the awesome stuff you can buy at hyd for shoppin freaks like me! :D!! Job well done...And yeah..Thanks to Haritha for taking care of you! :)

Anonymous said...

very nice