Wednesday, December 31, 2008


2008 was not a bad year for me. Professionally, I successfully completed my Journalism and joined Masters in Communication too! Great projects, great assignments add on to my list! Well, am really happy:-)

Personally,my bday was a disaster at the start of the year! Am just fine now, hope I hang on for 4 more days!!;-)Moving on, my sister's marriage gave me immense happiness! Marriages is truly a wonderful time to bond with lots of people! Well, the rest -don't ask- !! Am still single!:/

I just wish 2009 turns to be a much more nicer year for me and for the country as a whole. The nation saw some biggest disasters and witnessed huge loses, hope we see nothing of that in the coming year!

To all the readers of this blog, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Have a great year ahead! May the Lord bless you guys with loads of happiness and good health!
*stay connected*

Sharu! :)

Post Script:
This happens to be my 50th post! Last post of the year!:D Have fun guys!:)