Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Get FIT to F.I.T < < IN > >!!






What not ?? I am seeing countless articles in newspapers these days about losing weight!

"get fit"

"have the slim look"

"size zero is 'in' "

Oh my god, how many articles will they write these days about losing weight ??

Almost every newspaper carry information related to this. What fruits, vegetables we should have; What will make us lose weight; What will make you gain weight and stuff!!

I know people are getting 'way to' health conscious these days, but then the sudden rise of such articles is really shocking! They carry some hundred tips on how to lose weight and stuff!! lol

It's good to stay fit and be healthy :) But this sudden rise of numerous articles on it almost everyday is really getting on my nerves! It looks like they have no other topic to write on.

You should remind people on staying healthy, but writing long articles everyday won't do much help. Instead you can give pictorial representations of yoga poses and exercise positions apart from writing the articles! I swear even I cannot read such articles everyday, even though I am journalist ;-) The stuff they write is really good, but they can try putting them in different ways! And also they should publish on weekends 'only', so that you don't get bored of the same stuff!!


Post Script : This ad is really good!! ;-)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Lesson learnt

I learnt something so valuable that I need to blog about it!

Seminars and guest lectures are something that happens almost every now and then in my college. Having listened so much definitely has given me a lot of information and knowledge. But sometimes when these boring people coming and lecture I kinda loose interest so quickly that I start meddling with my mobile or draw something or for worst case I even start dreaming!!

It's either the way they put in the information or lack of improper communication they make with us is the problem of listening to them! I respect the information they provide but the way they commune is the 'problem' for me! That's the only thing they lack!

So what about it ? Always don't listen to them and happily do something ?

Here is when I learnt one major lesson from one of the guest lectures who came to our department to talk about corporate communication. She was friendly, made us feel really comfortable and was those excellent people who had the ability to make us all listen to her! :)

Before she started the topic, she said one thing that she learnt in college.

She said, "How ever the lecturers may speak, don't ignore them. Try to listen and gain knowledge and information that is abundant, AS NOTHING GOES WASTE".

The sentence "Nothing goes waste" still lingers in my mind when ever I get to hear a boring lecture! The person who may take the lecture for you might not be a good communicator, but he/she has the information that they like to pass it on to us. So what's wrong in making attempts to listen what the person says as 'nothing goes waste'! Am sure it will be useful someday!!

Sharu :-)