Saturday, August 04, 2012

Drastic moves for the dangerous 25

It’s been nearly six months since I completed the dodgy 24 years. I am not quite sure how much of the 24 things I have achieved (refer last post). From losing weight to getting a tattoo on my back – I’ve tried them all. I didn’t reach the target, but that doesn’t deter me from writing the things that I need to achieve when I turn 25 early next year. 25 seem to be the new mid-life according a certain survey. So practically I have completed (or rather complicated) half my life. Keeping this mind, I wanted to do something drastic when I turn 25. I’ve been racking my brain about it for sometime, because if you need to do something drastic, you need money. And if you need money, you need to save. And my time starts now. 
I’ve been asking my friends and even discussed my enthusiastic plan to my boss as well. Among the first few responses that I received, a few of them suggested a trip with friends. But I wonder if any of my close friends are open to the idea right now. Almost all my close pals are hitched, made babies, committed (sincerely to their boyfriends) and a few of them are close-to-getting engaged. It’s only a few of us who are shockingly single (read: Pri, Sow, Tan and Vid) and feeling really great about it (instruction: agree!:P).  I was wondering if the idea will really work.
Moving over to few other suggestions, I had the most ridiculous ones a couple of them suggested (that really can’t be posted here). But what really ticked me off is the suggestion a close friend and colleague of mine said. “Dude, just get married,” she exasperated. I discussed the idea with my boss and he agreed. “Trust me… that is the most drastic thing you could do to your life!” he said. Well, it is true. I’ve seen several married couples and how their priorities in life go through a sea change. For a couple of close friends and relatives who just got hitched, their entire life revolves around their husband/wife. They look so lost like they were in a labyrinth.
That apart, I am not quite convinced with the idea. That’s so lame. It reminded me of a tweet that I read recently. “Getting married before 25 is like leaving the party before 10 pm!” Ha ha ha! Too funny! Well, I am still looking for ideas and if you have one (mind it: genuine one!), please to inform! I am all geared to step into a new phase in my life and I am looking forward for all that excitement through 'that' drastic change!

Monday, September 05, 2011

Something about him

I practically didn’t have a weekend last week, as I had an event to cover on Sunday. I came back home and was lazily flipping through the channels on television and finally sat down to watch Bridget Jones Diary.

One of my friend’s has been suggesting this movie for a long time and I finally got to watch it. Okay, the film’s storyline is simple. It traces the grousing of a 30-plus-year-old woman who doesn’t have a life. No boyfriend, accident prone and to top it all, over-weight. Having seen some of the trademark syndromes in a couple of my 30-plus friends, I sort of understood her plight.

Yes, the movie was entertaining enough and can easily pass off for a Sunday time pass for sure. But what was more enticing to watch in this film was Colin Firth. So much so that I even dreamt about 50-year-old actor last night!

Even though he is a celebrity, it’s kind of weird for a 23-year-old to like a 50-plus man. I always find these hopelessly-in-love-actors who appear in chick flicks hot. But this man is on a rather different league altogether. If I remember, the first film of Colin’s that I watched was Pride and Prejudice where he essayed the role of Fitzwilliam Darcy (I guess that role is alluring enough for me to like him).

There is something about these British actors that is more charming and attractive - a gentleman-like-quality and probably, chivalrous (at least on screen). I was bowled over by his performance in films such as What a Girl Wants (another insensible chick flick), Mamma Mia and Love Actually. There is something about him that makes me go ‘aaaaawwwww’ about him. He looks dapper in a suit, and unbelievably hot in the rugged look. He is just the man and there is definitely something about him...which makes drool!

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Let's hawk it!

I am quite an accessories addict and love necklaces, earrings, fingerings and bangles that are rather quirky. My recent addiction is that off animal inspired jewellery. No, I am not talking about the horrendous looking snake pendants and fingerings! I seemed to have found a fetish for other animals, especially, owl and fish! A friend of mine recently said that every animal has certain significance attached to it. For instance, owl inspired jewellery brings you luck. Though, I am not too sure of its benefits, they look absolutely whimsical and stylish!

I picked this owl necklace in a complex in Commercial Street. The store seemed to house quirky accessories that include jewellery, lighters, bands and hats. The owner of the store got to know that I have ‘thing’ for owl, and he actually hand-picked all the jewellery items like finger ring, earring and even toe rings that has an owl!

The store is quite on the ‘kitsch’ types, and their their collection is just amazing. I picked up a owl necklace and fish shaped earring that’s quite quirky. They are not too expensive also!

Take a sample of this – the owl necklace that I bought!

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

23 things to do

It’s nearly been seven months since I completed 23 years. As you grow older, there is some kind of emancipation you get that allows you to experiment with lot of things. I am probably in that phase right now. There have been several things that I always wanted to do, but somehow couldn’t manage to do it. Keeping in mind the fact that I am getting older day by day, I rather pull up my socks and go on a massive spree to achieve it.
It’s been quite a while since I thought I should pen down the 23 things to do before I turn 24! Surprisingly, it took nearly half a year to even jot down what I want to do the next one year. This is more or less like a test for me to see whether or not I am able to achieve the things I wish for! So, here’s the list... (In random order)
  1. To lose weight. (I am working on it )
  2. To write clean copies. (Not even a ‘comma’ should be edited!)
  3. To learn Hindi.
  4. To interview my favourite celebrity – Rajinikanth.
  5. Meet my first crush and tell him that I still couldn’t find a guy like him.
  6. To get purple streaks.
  7. To get a butterfly tattoo on my back.
  8. To go on a blind date.
  9. To join Jane Austin’s/ Nicholas Sparks Book club.
  10. To travel all by myself and enjoy a trip with strangers (I am done with this).
  11. To learn an instrument, preferably, guitar.
  12. To take my dad for a rock concert.
  13. To invest some good money in a DSLR camera and go on a photo trail.
  14. To learn the art of cooking.
  15. To learn a new language.
  16. To learn the art of managing finances.
  17. To fight my laziness.
  18. Learn to drive a car. (My friend tells me that if you learn to drive a car, will then you become an independent person).
  19. To watch a movie alone in a theatre.
  20. To learn kickboxing.
  21. To stop being a compulsive buyer.
  22. To live a life in my own rules.
  23. To fall in love.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

A year full of weddings

Sometimes, I regret beginning the year by traveling. Everybody warned me with signs that I will be traveling throughout the year. I didn’t take notice of it and started my 2011 New Year by traveling to Madras. Since then, I’ve been visiting my home town and few other places for the sole reason being ‘weddings’!

Of course, the friends weddings that I’ve attended are part of my close circle and one just can’t afford to miss it. Even couple of days ago, I attended my close friend’s wedding at Tirunelveli. It’s nice to see everyone happy and settling down with their Mr Right!

But for me, it almost seem like I don’t have weekends at all. Every other day I keep packing and unpacking stuff which is quite annoying. It is even embarrassing to ask my boss for a day’s off for the reason being wedding. I almost sound like this jobless maami who travel around just to attend weddings!

This has in turn resulted in loss of appetite. Imagine having a banana leaf full of sweets and other delectable dishes every other day! To top it all, you hear a comment from some random aunty or uncle saying, ‘you’ve put on weight’. Arrrggghh! Have I ever pointed out to them how ugly they've become! (No, it's not funny!)

I’ve taken a day off for nearly eight weddings so far! I even seem to hate the smell of the buses and trains so much so that I am even planning to miss my convocation this weekend. I absolutely have no regrets, though everyone around me seems to make big fuss about it. My master’s degree didn’t have any impact in my job nor my salary, whatsoever! So, what’s the point?

Off all my trips to Madras, I hardly even got time to spend time with my family! I just had that one wonderful trip this year (June) to Mussoorie that I would cherish! (Which I will blog about it soon!)

I just hope none of the remaining lot get married this year and hopefully, spend some good times with my family! Anyways, congratulations to all my buddies :-)

Monday, March 14, 2011

A 'pri'ful post :)

Priyanka Padmanabhan's first poem!

Here it goes....

"In years of time I have learnt how to deal with people

In years of time I have learnt how to categorize things

In years of time I have learnt maturity is how you deal in situations.

In years of time I have learnt crying cannot be a way to solve problems

In years of time I have learnt climatic change is exactly like how people change.

In years of time I have learnt everything can work perfect even without a system

Just the planning needs to be correct.

In years of time I have learnt silence is the most valuable thing.

In years of time I have learnt advice is the most common thing which people give without even an experience.

In years of time I have learnt people talk too much about weight and the issues.

In years of time I have learnt petrol is an important priority than food.

In years of time I have learnt that colour’s can change one’s mood & bring out important ideas.

In years of time I have learnt coffee and day dreaming is the best activity for any person.

In years of time I have learnt that vehicles can be the best mode of transport but nothing can change long walks and the secret behind them.

In years of time I have learnt every cloud has a silver lining

In years of time I have learnt spice is an important element in anything.

Just a bit of spice, salt and sugar makes life.

Just in all midst of all this

In years of time I have learnt what affection, lust, feelings is.

In years of time I haven’t learnt what love is."

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sight-Seeing => Hyderabad

Pic 1: Hussain Sagar Lake
Pic 2: Joothis, Near Charminar
Pic 3: Peals, Choodi Bazaar
Pic 4: Neck-pieces, Choodi Bazaar
Pic 5, 6: Bangles, Choodi Bazaar
Pic 7, 8: Charminar
Pic 9: Shilparam, Hi-Tech City

Picture Courtesy: Sharanya Rajendran

Sights and Smells of Hyderabad!

I always wanted to take a break and escape somewhere the minute my college was over. Yes, Bangalore was my first option. But why go to the place where you’ve been to a thousand odd times? So my second option was Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. A visit to these places was a long, unachievable dream of mine. Well, most of them would say, what is so great about these places, But still, I wanted to visit the capital, the beautiful Taj Mahal and the pink city, no matter what.

I kept hounding my dad, but yes, it is raining cats and dogs there right now. My dad questions me, “What shopping will you do when it’s raining there? You can’t even step out.” Hmmm, true it is. Plan B also flops. When I decided to go ahead with Plan A, my dear friend Haritha visits Chennai (from Hyderabad) to collect some documents from college. As casual our talk can get, we decided that I should to go with her to Hyderabad (She was leaving in two days).

To my surprise, when Haritha asked dad, my parents readily agreed (I still find it strange though!). Finally, I was all set to get my share of well-deserved break that I was longing for. The tickets are all booked, and I am all set to leave.

I must say our train journey was fun. While Haritha got an AC Sleeper, I got the normal one. But she wasn’t convinced that I travel alone. (Oh! I love people pampering me ;)). Later, she exchanged with a person in my coach. We had a whole lot of fun and to travel with pals is much more than fun!

We reached the next day morning and find Kaushik (Hari’s Hubby) greeting us warmly! Well, I see a new city. I did visit Hyderabad about six-year’s back, during my school trip. But now, I see a whole new place. Big buildings, malls everywhere, cheesy film posters (Like really!), banners promoting Hyderabad Biriyani, bunches of Burkha Ladies, hot men and hindi all the way.

The first-day was visit to Hi-Tech city and a near-by place - Shilparam. It is a cultural-center, something similar to our Dakshinachitra. The place was constructed in a very arty manner. You enter the places to find several stalls where craftsmen display a bunch of artifacts and other products. It reminded me of Dastkari exhibition that happens at Kalashetra. I found some arty earrings, bags and bought quite a few products. You can see lovely ladies near the park wanting to decorate your palm with henna at a minimal price of Rs20. Will we miss it? No way! On the later part of the day, we went to few malls and Keshav Reddy Chat at Jubilee Hills. Wah! What pani-puris you get! One of the best that I've had!

It was a long day and we hit the bed as soon as we reached. However, I reminded Kaushik & Haritha of treating myself a nice Hyderabad Chicken Biriyani. (Hyderabad minus the biriyani? Nah!) The next day we decided to go to Charminar. I was waiting to see the charming old Hyderabad or rather the Nizam place. Most building had a mosque-look to it. We first hit Hotel Taj Mahal for lunch. Apparently, it is one of the best restaurants in the city. After having a sumptuous platter, we drove to Choodi Bazaar. As I walk in, I discover that the place is a heaven-on-earth for bangles. It was around three-o'-clock-ish, and the bangles were shimmering against the sunlight. I wanted to buy dozens of them, but I was bewildered after seeing the line-up of numerous shops.

Haritha and I would decide on one set, but will find something better in another shop. We literally scouted the place and I finally bought around 8 dozens of bangles! Oh, thank the Lord, I am a girl! :-)

Then I went hunting for surma, and to my surprise every other shop has the Arabic kohl! Talk about the city, the next thing that comes to mind is Kohlapuri chappals. Being a chappal-o-holic myself, will I miss it? ;) Bargained with my broken Hindi and I got two-pairs of them.

Then we drove to Husain Sagar Lake. Haritha was complaining about the lovely odor it produces, but I wasn’t convinced. We went to eat street, hogged and took a boat to see the Buddha statue. It did stink, but never mind. The place didn’t have anything much except for the tall, erected Buddha. We drove back home and had delectable Hyderabad Chicken Biriyani from Hotel Paradise (Another famous restaurant).

Next day, we drove Ramoji Film city. Though I've been there before, some sets were relatively new. The most exciting thing about this place is the bus-tour that they arrange for the visitors. The presenter was at his creative best and we enjoyed a lot.

The last day was more or less a rest day. I can’t end this post without mentioning the help, love and care Haritha & Kaushik provided. I almost felt like I was staying at my sister’s place. They made me so comfortable. A million thanks and hugs to them for making my visit a memorable one. Mwah to you guys!

Happily signing off,

Shara :-)